While Market Research is a common practice among countless industries, there remains no shortage of misconceptions. While “market research” seems self-explanatory, many fall into believing myths like thinking Market Research can be accomplished via strictly “desk research,” or that online… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘Focus Groups’
When to Choose In-person or Online Research
Researchers were relegated to virtual research for so long that they’ve adopted it into their normal approach to new projects. While virtual research isn’t going anywhere, requests for in-person research are on the rise. Each methodology offers its own benefits… Read More
Field Management & Virtual Recruiting
Observation Baltimore adds field management & virtual recruiting to their services to continually grow alongside the research industry.
Focus Groups vs. IDIs
This month we’ll take a comprehensive look at the differences between focus groups and in-depth interviews, and provide insight into the process of choosing to use one or the other. Focus groups are used to conduct qualitative market research… Read More
Christmas Shopping Strategy
As we enter the 2018 Holiday season, all market watcher and observer eyes will be on this year’s shopping trends. 2017 saw an astonishing 583.9 billion spent on brick and mortar store shopping and an impressive 108 billion dollars spent… Read More
Seeking Adventure in Maryland
When it’s not too hot out, Maryland can be a very fun state to enjoy the great outdoors. With beaches, mountains, lakes, trails, parks, historic cities and a beautiful bay, it can be hard to choose exactly what to do…. Read More
Voice of Baltimore: Perceptions of the Patient-Doctor Relationship
Perceptions of the Patient-Doctor Relationship Observation Baltimore recently surveyed more than 1,950 Baltimore area residents. In the second part of a 2-part series, we wanted to highlight how Baltimore area residents feel about their relationship with their primary care physicians. Patient… Read More
Voice of Baltimore: Managed Care and the Doctor-Patient Relationships
Managed Care and the Doctor-Patient Relationship Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), and Point of Service (POS) plans are the most common examples of managed care in the U.S. An article published by the National Center for Biotechnology… Read More
Meet the Observation Baltimore Team
At Observation Baltimore, we have worked very hard to assemble one of the most talented and hardworking focus group facility teams in the country. Collectively, our goal is to ensure that clients have a successful project each time they work… Read More
Voice of Baltimore: Career Satisfaction Part II
Observation Baltimore recently conducted a survey with 1,200 Baltimore residents pertaining to career engagement. Of the sixty-four percent (64%) who reported working full-time, seventy-two percent (72%) are female, and less than half (47%) are under 40 years old. Household income… Read More