While social media marketing has become an important way for advertisers to connect with their target audience, not all platforms are created equally. As we discussed in last week’s blog, users tend to engage with platforms differently and certain sites… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘Social Media Marketing’
Digital Marketing Basics: The Best Times to Post on Social Media
- November 9th, 2016
- Posted in General, Market Research Specialists, Uncategorized
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Tags: digital marketing, Social Media Marketing
Voice of Baltimore: How Your Target Market is Using Social Media
- November 2nd, 2016
- Posted in Uncategorized, Voice of Baltimore
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Tags: Social Media, Social Media Marketing
Social media has become a critical platform for marketers, but not all sites are created equally. While social media platforms have exploded in popularity, they differ greatly in terms of user demographics and how their users engage with the site…. Read More
Technology in Market Research: Social Media
- August 7th, 2012
- Posted in Baltimore Market Research, Internet Statistics, Market Research News, Market Research Specialists, Market Research Technology, Observation Baltimore News, Social Media Statistics, Tips and Resources for Researchers, Uncategorized, Useful Information
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Tags: Advertising, consumer trends, facebook, linkedin, market research industry, market researchers, Observation Baltimore, Social Media, social media for businesses, Social Media Marketing, twitter
As the world around us evolves, so too must the market research industry. With more and more people flocking to social media websites, like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, the way in which individuals gain information about and interact… Read More
How Social Media Affects Branding :: Observation Baltimore
- September 22nd, 2011
- Posted in General, Uncategorized
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Tags: Ad spending, Advertising, analyze the effectiveness of your social media marketing efforts, brand followers, Branding, Brands and Social Media, Brands and Social Media: Real Life Lessons, build a community of brand followers, Business, businesses, Companies, company, Corporate Branding Strategies, effective Social Media Marketing Campaign, facebook, How Social Media Affects Branding, Internet based advertising, Market Research, market research industry, market research specialists, Marketing, Marketing Campaign, marketing efforts, Marketing Industry Report, marketing platforms, Maryland, Maryland Market Research, Maryland Market Research Facilities, Observation Baltimore, Observation Baltimore: How Social Media Affects Branding, print advertisements, Research Industry, research specialists, Social Media, Social Media Affects Branding, Social media boom, Social Media Enhances Corporate Branding Strategies, Social Media Enhances Your Brand, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing Campaign, social media marketing efforts, Social Media Marketing Industry Report, Social media outlets, social media profiles, televisions advertisements, utilizing social media, utilizing social media for marketing purposes
Ad spending is projected to increase by 2.2% this year in the U.S. While this number does not seem very significant, consider that Internet based advertising/Social Media marketing is expected to grow by 13.5%, while newspapers are projected to be… Read More
How Much Time Are Businesses Spending on Social Media?
- June 24th, 2011
- Posted in General, Uncategorized
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Tags: B2B, Baltimore, Benefits of Social Media Marketing, Business to Business, Business to Business Social Media Marketing, Business to Consumer, Business to Consumer Social Media Marketing, Consumer Research, customer service, DC, focus group, How Much Time Are Businesses Spending on Social Media, Industry, Information, Market Research, Market Research 101, Maryland, Medical research, Observation Baltimore, Place, Qualitative, Qualitative Versus Quantitative Market Research, Quantitative, quantitative research, Research, Research Group, Research Maryland, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Marketing Statistics, state-of-the-art research, Taking the Next Step in Medical Research, The Research Group, Time spent on Social Media, up to date information, Washington DC
It is no secret that social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, have become incredibly popular over the last five years. A study conducted in 2010 found that people spend roughly 22% of their time online on these types of… Read More