Observation Baltimore had an eventful 2022! As Covid-19 dissipates from everyday life and the research landscape adjusts, Observation Baltimore did the same.
To start off the 2022, Observation Baltimore made the decision to completely uproot our internal database and move to the new platform, Panelfox. During the transfer of data, we were able to rid our database of things like duplicates and non-active accounts so we could focus more on what we do best: recruiting! Not only that, but this all in one platform allows us to expedite internal processes to provide more direct communication with respondents.
In September of this year we said goodbye to our former location at 5520 Research Boulevard and made the move back to Baltimore City’s historic McHenry Row! Located in the heart of South Baltimore, our new facility offers a more adaptable space, better amenities, and closer hotels for our clients while putting us in a more central location that is optimal for respondents in Baltimore and the surrounding areas.
This year sure was a busy one. As of December 2022, we’ve completed 54 unique projects for our clients, recruiting 846 respondents throughout the year with a Show Rate of 90% for “standard” projects and a 71% Show Rate for projects held with segments known to have low Show Rates. On top of that, we’ve organically added over 1,750 new respondents in our database throughout 2022.
As we approach the year’s end, we would like to thank our clients, partners, and respondents for another great year! Cheers to 2023!