As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, one constant remains: nurses are the backbone of healthcare. In Baltimore, over 50,000 clinicians comprise this depended-upon profession, including 32,000 RNs. Observation Baltimore recently surveyed regional nurses [n=116] to gain their insight on the profession and how the current healthcare environment impacts their experiences.
We discovered that 63% of nurses feel EHR (electronic health records) has had a positive impact on their level of productivity and improved time management. The American Nurses Association echoes this EHR value.
Job satisfaction, Quality of Patient Care, and overall Communication are also viewed as improving as a result of EHR.

Nurses’ job satisfaction is high, with sufficient staffing in need of attention:

Respondent Composition by Degree/Certification:

About Observation Baltimore
At Observation Baltimore, we understand that the success of your research is directly tied to the quality of your participants. Recognized as one of the top Maryland market research facilities, we believe that Experienced Recruiting Makes the Difference. Our experienced recruiting is the foundation of our mission, as well as courteous and proactive hospitality and client services. Just six minutes from BWI airport and AMTRAK, our Baltimore research facility has a great location. Most importantly, we understand market research!
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