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Keys to Successful Virtual Focus Groups & IDIs

      Any Market Researcher will tell you that adequate Show Rates (the amount of respondents that participate in the group compared to how many have been recruited) are paramount when conducting a successful market research project. The sudden shift to virtual Focus Groups & IDIs caused by Covid-19 left some firms unsure about the new processes they should take to adapt to these new conditions.

      Since March 2020, Observation Baltimore has recruited over 2,500 participants, retained a 90% Show Rate, and have become experts in recruiting for virtual platforms along the way. To ensure excellent Show Rates, Observation Baltimore optimized our processes by adding only a few extra key steps.



Reliable & Intuitive Platform:

                In order for participants to take part your group, they need to know how to join! Zoom’s usage skyrocketed in 2020. It’s ease of use and compatibility has proven to be unmatched by other platforms. Not to mention that a Zoom Pro account provides security measure improvements and transcripts!


Tech Checks:

                Simply put: Practice makes perfect. Conducting “Tech Checks” prior to your research not only confirms that the respondent has the appropriate technology for the research, but also that the respondent knows how to use the platform. To make certain your research starts on time, respondent’s familiarity with the joining process is key.



Reminder calls:

                It’s important for market researchers to remember that life can be hectic and not all respondents are going to check their emails for reminders. Calling respondents directly to better your Show Rate.


Calendar Invites:

                Some segments, such as Business Professionals or Health Care Professionals, with extremely crowded schedules typically won’t have their phone on their person for a reminder call. The best way to remind these individuals of your research is by placing the event on their professional calendar! Creating a calendar event will send a notification to their phone or email prior to their research the day of, and you can keep any needed information in the notes portion to streamline the respondent’s process of logging on.



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