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The How, What, and Why of Focus Groups

What is a Focus Group?

How do companies find out how consumers feel about a certain product, service, advertisement, slogan, or anything for that matter? They don’t just guess. They use focus groups – which are discussion groups with similar individuals in a targeted group of consumers who are brought together for an in-depth conversation on a certain topic.

Businesses and organizations rely on these focus groups to gain criticisms, praise, and overall feedback on their products and services.

Why Participate in a Focus Group?

•      You will have your opinions heard

•      You will be able to give feedback to improve the brands, products and services that you use

•      You will get to discuss a wide variety of topics with others

•      You Get Paid!

How do Focus Groups work?

  1. A moderator leads the group and keeps the discussion on track
  2. During this discussion, everyone has the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions
  3. There may even be some form of writing or reading activity
  4. Then, at the end, you are provided with an honorarium in appreciation for your time!

It’s that easy!

Where are Focus Groups?

Observation Baltimore, located on the campus of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), hosts focus groups on a wide variety of topics in our state-of-the-art, spacious, and comfortable suites (photo below). If you think you might be interested in participating in a future group feel free to sign up on our database at

To find out more, contact the market research specialists at Observation Baltimore by calling 410-332-0400 or click here today!

We understand market research!

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Focus Group
The Focus Group
What is a Focus Group?
How Focus Groups Work

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