When it comes to talking about health and wellness, you can’t neglect the importance of healthy eating habits. While exercise and nutritional supplements are important components of a healthy lifestyle, nutritionists and health experts agree that the food we eat has a huge impact on our overall wellbeing. Healthy eating is not only important for weight maintenance, but can also go a long way in the prevention of many diseases, including osteoarthritis, heart disease, cancer, and more.
Because of this, it’s no surprise that American consumers are willing to pay a premium for healthy foods. From certified organics to sugar-free and non-GMO foods, consumers can’t get enough of items that they they believe will help them stay in the best shape. According to an analysis done by Euromonitor, global sales of healthy foods are expected to top $1 trillion by 2017, so it’s clearly an important and growing market segment. At Observation Baltimore, we wanted to learn more about what Baltimore residents think about their own relationship with healthy eating habits.

We wanted to learn more about what Baltimore residents think about their own relationship with healthy eating habits.
Healthy Eating Habits in Baltimore
We asked 918 area residents which health and wellness topics they were most interested in learning more about, and an overwhelming majority agreed that healthy eating (69%) and healthy cooking (65%) were at the top of their list. Baltimore residents responded that they eat at least one hot, balanced meal per day either all of the time (33%), most of the time (47%) or some of the time (19%). Less than (1%) report never eating a hot, healthy meal on a daily basis.
Our survey results indicated the possibility that Baltimore residents feel like they need to learn more about healthy eating because they have trouble sticking with an eating plan that they feel good about. (48%) of respondents reported that although they have made some positive lifestyle changes, they have trouble following through with making these changes stick on a permanent basis.
It seems that while Baltimore residents on the whole are very aware of the importance of positive eating habits, they could use more guidance on how to incorporate healthy meals into their busy lives.
About Observation Baltimore:
At Observation Baltimore, we understand that the success of your research is directly tied to the quality of your participants. Recognized as one of the top Maryland market research facilities and rated “One of the World’s Best” by Impulse Survey, we believe that Experienced Recruiting Makes the Difference. Our experienced recruiting is the foundation of our mission, as well as courteous and proactive hospitality and client services. Just six minutes from BWI airport and AMTRAK, our Baltimore research facility has a great location. Most importantly, we understand market research!