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How Bad Weather Affects Productivity

Do you ever feel less productive on gloomy days? Well, according to several studies conducted on the affects of weather on office productivity, you are not alone.

How Does the Weather Affect Productivity?

This could all be the sign of a more serious medical condition, known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

SAD refers to episodes of actual depression that occur at a certain time of the year, usually during winter. Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder are usually the same as with any case of depression:

•      Increased appetite with weight gain

•      Increased sleep and daytime sleepiness

•      Less energy and ability to concentrate in the afternoon

•      Loss of interest in work or other activities

•      Slow, sluggish, lethargic movement

•      Social withdrawal

•      Unhappiness and irritability

If you feel you may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, consult your health care provider. As with other types of depression, SAD is most typically treated using antidepressant medications and talk therapy.


If you have questions, contact the market research specialists at Observation Baltimore by calling 410-332-0400 or click here today!

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Gloomy Weather Affects Productivity


Seasonal Affective Disorder

Productivity: Effects of Weather and Climate Beyond Seasonal Disorders

Which Temperature is Best for Your Productivity?

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