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Observation Baltimore’s Preakness Survey

The Preakness is quickly approaching! We recently conducted market research in the Baltimore area on the historic race. To see the findings, please read on.


The Preakness is almost here!

Overall Findings

Overall, 215 of 1,132 respondents (19%) report they will be attending the 2015 Preakness.

The Preakness is reported by 70% of the respondents as the most interesting race to follow in the Triple Crown.

18-25 year olds and 46-55 year olds report they enjoy the infield entertainment and festivities at Preakness the most. The two age ranges report the infield entertainment and festivities as what they enjoy most at rates of 62% and 32%, respectively.

Despite the popularity of Uber in Baltimore City, 72% prefer driving themselves or carpooling as their mode of transportation.

The infield atmosphere (35%) emerges as the most popular reason to attend the Preakness, while the excessive crowd (47%) emerges as the top reason for not attending.

Born and Raised in Baltimore Emerge

Of the 631 respondents who report having been born and raised in Baltimore or a surrounding county, 74% report the Preakness being the Triple Crown race they are most interested in following (78%).

The infield entertainment and festivities (38%) are the most enjoyed aspect of the Preakness followed by watching the races (23%) and people watching (19%).

Too crowded (56%), the infield atmosphere (31%), and too expensive (24%) emerge as the three reasons why Baltimore natives have never been to Preakness.

Spent Adult Life in Baltimore

Among the 179 respondents who report having spent most of their adult life in Baltimore, 74% report following the Triple Crown with the Preakness being the most interesting to follow (68%). The Kentucky Derby is the second race that is the most interesting to follow (28%) and the Belmont Stakes (5%) is the least interesting of the three races.

The infield entertainment and festivities (28%), followed by people watching (23%) and watching the races (22%), emerge as the most enjoyed Preakness activities.

Those who have spent their adult lives in Baltimore report the heavy crowds (47%), high expense (40%), and the infield atmosphere (31%) as to why they have not been to the Preakness.

Do Not Consider Self as a Baltimore Native

Of the 285 respondents who do not consider themselves Baltimore natives, 57% follow the Triple Crown and have the most interest in the Preakness (50%).

For non-Baltimore natives, watching the races is the most enjoyed activity at the Preakness, followed by the infield entertainment and festivities (25%), and people watching (21%).

Too crowded (36%), the infield atmosphere (27%), and not interested in horse racing (24%) emerge as the top reasons for not attending Preakness.

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