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Baltimore: A City of Neighborhoods


Find out why some people call Baltimore a “City of Neighborhoods.”

Baltimore is a place of great diversity with over 200 distinct neighborhoods. Many people who live in the city will not say they live in Baltimore, but that they live in “Federal Hill” or “Hampden.”  There is a strong sense of neighborhood pride among the residents of Baltimore that grows from generation to generation.  Each slice of Baltimore has its own unique culture brought to life by the residents, merchants, and business owners.  Two areas of the city that truly grasp that spirit of uniqueness are Mt. Vernon and Hampden.  

For the arts, you should head uptown to Mt. Vernon.

If you’re looking to enjoy some art, theatre, or music, then you might want to head up to Mt. Vernon located next to the Peabody institute and the Baltimore School for the Arts, both of which are training the next generation of artistic talent.  Mt. Vernon is also home to the Washington Monument and several small, but very lovely, parks.  Centerstage, one of Baltimore’s regional theatres, is another must-see locale in the Mt Vernon section of Baltimore. Their 2015/2016 season is going to kick off in September with a “breathtaking adaptation” of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. You’re definitely not going to want to miss it. For the music lovers, Mt. Vernon is sure to not disappoint.  The Meyerhoff Symphony Hall is waiting for you!  Now, there is more to Baltimore than art, much more.

Hampden is as Baltimore as it gets, hon.

When you think Baltimore you might think about John Waters, Divine, and the signature beehive that is both ridiculous and adorable.  Hampden is where you will want to go to get the most out of that flavor of Baltimore.  From Holy Frijoles to the amazing Suzie’s Soba, there’s a ton of eclectic vibes that you can jam on.  Proudly displayed in front of Café Hon, a controversial and iconic restaurant is a giant flamingo, a nod to the John Waters masterpiece, Pink Flamingos.  Walking down The Avenue is definitely worth doing.

What about the other neighborhoods?

We only talked about two neighborhoods today, but there may be more in the future.  Baltimore is a City of Neighborhoods, each with their unique and amazing ambiance.  Without the bizarre blend of Baltimore cultures, it just wouldn’t be Baltimore.

About Observation Baltimore:

We take great pride in creating a special environment for research to thrive, which is why Observation Baltimore is Where The Magic Happens. We are one of the top Maryland market research facilities and rated “One of the World’s Best” by Impulse Survey.  Our experienced recruiting is the foundation of our mission, as well as courteous and proactive hospitality and client services. Just six minutes from BWI airport and AMTRAK, our Baltimore research facility has a great location. Most importantly, we understand market research!

To learn more about the market research facility at Observation Baltimore: contact Ryan Ross at
443-543-5345 or click here!

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